What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
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Vital Aging:”It Was A Very Good Year” Part II

One of Randy and my favorite songs is this terrific ballad, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was A Very Good Year” celebrating all the stages of life…. When I was thirty-five It was a very good year It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls Of independent means We’d ride in limousines Their […]
challenge, eating healthfully, eternal, explanatory style, God's Word, Gospel, healthy, Maye Musk, movement, optimistic, pessimistic, Phillipians 4:8-9, purpose, sleep, stress, temporal, Toasted Ranch Bowtie PastaHealthy Lifestyle Mind Adjustment: Courtesy of The Three Little Pigs

So we’ve made it to the post-pandemic era (we hope and pray☺️) and we’re just trying to get back to “normal” whatever normal is for us. Our world will forever be changed with “zoom” conference calls making it unnecessary to meet in person; a large percentage of the work force is now permanently working from […]
calories, carbohydrate, cauliflower hummus, creativity, exercise, fat, health, Matthew 7:24-27, nutritious, pandemic, protein, Psalm 62:5-7, resistance training, sleep, social media, stress relief, The Three Little Pigs, The Word, Twiggy, walkingWhat Would You Give For a Smiley Face 😊 Right Now??

Have you ever been so caught up in the heat of your daily activities, whatever, whenever or wherever they are, trying to complete one task so that you can be on your time schedule for the next task you’ve assigned yourself, but you’re stopped in your tracks by a random act of kindness? Then, that […]
anxiety, Covid, movement, Nutrition, peace, Philippians 4:6-7, self-care, sleep, smiley face, stressTaking Clues From Our Little Ones For Our Health

Quiz for you: Who among us is the most authentic and innocent of all? Give up? OUR CHILDREN! These are two little girls we came across this past month, that are sisters. Big sis is taking care of the little one: They haven’t yet learned to be anything but real with their […]
accountability, carbohydrates, cravings, fats, feel-good endorphins, Grandpa, laughter, little ones, macro, metabolism, mood-lifter, neuroscientist, non-prescription mood-lifter, nutritionally balanced, playful, playful innocence, protein, sleep, tensions soother, weight resistance movementsHome Sprinkled With Health For The Holidays

I know it’s December 10th, just 2 weeks before Christmas Eve and I shouldn’t really even take the time to write this blog to you because I’m REALLY behind this year! Randy and I are celebrating Christmas early this year (this weekend) with our kids and I don’t really have a clue what they all […]
cardio, Christmas, ghrelin, God, gratitude, healthy, holiday binges, holidays, leptin, sleep, stress, weight lifting“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”

I didn’t wake up this morning thinking I’d write about anything remotely political. And, as you will see, this isn’t, for it’s just a call to personal responsibility. The political dust after this election will take time to settle, but settle it will, for all the name calling will eventually be forgotten. And in it’s […]
ACA, ancient grains, baklava, carbohydrates, Dr. Donald Berwick, exercise, healthy lifestyle, John F. Kennedy, Legumes, movement, Nutrition, sleep, vegetables, yogaFixing Broken Sleep

Here are my top “natural” recommendations to follow if you are currently not falling asleep within 30 minutes at night: 1. Daily nap. Hey, even the most successful people are hip to this (see “8 Things The Most Successful People Do that Make them Great”). Andrew Weil, M.D, professor of medicine and director of the Program […]
sleepLack of Sleep: Medical and Economic Consequences

You might be a little sick of the “science of sensationalism” as I like to put it. The constant barrage of scientific articles that say “If you don’t do ‘A’ correctly then the consequences ‘B’ are an increased risk of disease or death.” So let’s talk about lack of sleep in a realistic context today. […]
consequences, insomnia, sleepMouthwashes Cause Heart Attacks?

Under the category “Sensationalized Medical News for a Slow News Day” comes the story from across the pond warning that certain mouthwashes can raise your blood pressure, and by extension, heart attack and stroke risk. I did a double take reading that one so headed right to the paper for “the rest of the story.” […]
bacon, cancer, diet, exercise, Heart Disease, hypertension, immune system, nitrites, pre-term birth, sleep