What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
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MIND Grub You Can Love!

Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, beans, berries, brain, cruciferous vegetables, DASH diet, fiber, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Legumes, Mediterranean Diet, MIND diet, neurons, nuts, ORAC, salmon, Salmon Peperonata, sardines, tuna, whole grains, Wild-caught fishSummer Lovin’ With A K.I.S.S.

Who doesn’t remember that beginning song from the movie Grease when Sandra Dee and Danny Zuko are reminiscing about their fleeting summer romance: Summer lovin’, had me a blast Summer lovin’, happened so fast I met a girl, crazy for me Met a boy, as cute as can be Summer days, drifting away to oh, […]
Brussels Sprouts, core strength, grandma, movement, Nutrition, papiotte, reality, resistance training, salmon, summerYou’ve Got the POWER…With Weight Lifting! Part 2

I’ve laid out the groundwork for you to embrace a personal weekly resistance/weight lifting program with You’ve Got The POWER..With Weight Lifting! Part 1 and we’ve explored The Why of resistance training: Recap: THE WHY: Metabolism/Weight Loss Booster Chronic Disease Buster Recovery Tool Balm For the Mind and Hormone Balancer Even the American College of Sports Medicine […]
metabolism, muscle, muscle wiki, physical therapist, protein, pumping iron, resistance training, salmonSuper Foods, Super Plate, Super Tasty!
What makes a meal extra special? Of course there are the people you dine with, the stories you hear and tell, the revelations of the day’s events you share. No doubt the wine, beer, spring water or whatever libation that complements the food is important. But the centerpiece? It’s the FOOD! And the more I […]
Brussels Sprouts, Freekeh, healthy, salmon, Super Foods, Tasty, VeggiesCold Winter Night Meal Recipes
Here are those recipes I promised you: TRIPLE-MUSTARD SALMON 3 T. Toasted wheat germ 1 T. yellow mustard seeds, crushed 4- 6 oz. skinless salmon fillets Salt and freshly ground pepper 2 1/2 T. Dijon mustard 1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 1 T. virgin olive oil 1/2 cup low-fat sour cream 2 T. Chopped cilantro […]
beans, fire roasted tomatoes, grass-fed beef, lamb, leeks, parchment paper, roasted garlic, salmon, winter night meal recipesBattling Those Cold Winter Nights with a Hearty (and Healthy) Meal
Last week, most of the United States experienced a blast of Arctic air that set record temperatures from the West, all the way through the Heartland to the East and of course the Deep South. So if you were like me, you were either stranded at home because there is only one car that can […]
beans, cod, cozy, culinary, cupboard, kitchen, lamb, meal, salmon, soup