Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
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“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”

I didn’t wake up this morning thinking I’d write about anything remotely political. And, as you will see, this isn’t, for it’s just a call to personal responsibility. The political dust after this election will take time to settle, but settle it will, for all the name calling will eventually be forgotten. And in it’s […]
ACA, ancient grains, baklava, carbohydrates, Dr. Donald Berwick, exercise, healthy lifestyle, John F. Kennedy, Legumes, movement, Nutrition, sleep, vegetables, yogaWhat Are SUPERFOODS???

What is the deal with the term SUPERFOODS? If you eat them can you leap tall buildings with a single bound? Or, does your brain have special powers, and you can actually read other people’s minds? Actually, the definition, per the Oxford dictionary is somewhat wishy-washy: a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially […]
berries, DNA, EPA/DHA, gut-health, kimchi, Legumes, Omega 3s, Superfoods, whole grainsPaleo vs. Vegan: Can’t We All Get Along?

I was shocked when I did the research for this post. There are greater than 200 (I stopped counting there) web discussions regarding Paleo vs. Vegan! There are clear battle lines drawn for the distinctions between these two diets. I am not here to add further mudslinging to this debate. If you are reading this […]
Grains, grass-fed beef, Heart Disease, Legumes, Nutrition, nuts, Omnivore, Paleo, Vegan, weight loss, Wild-caught fish