What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
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Life’s Little Unexpected Pleasures/Treasures Can Be The Best!

Fall is finally here and the holidays are just around the corner!! Pretty soon we’ll be making joyful plans (with caution, I know, based on the pandemic status) for holiday gatherings for Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year!! But wait a minute, why can’t we enjoy (right now) those little moments or meals that […]
cauliflower, chicken tenders, chicken thighs, corn on the cob, grand girls, grandma, Grandpa, grapefruit salsa, great-grandparents, healthy, immune system, nutritious, peperonicini, pepperoncini, pleasure, red peppers, solanine, sunrise, treasureAll I Want For Christmas Is Some Good Gut Bugs!!

What would you like to see packaged up in a box under your Christmas tree this year? This is a beautiful tree we bought locally at Birch Meadow Farm Christmas Trees (as we do every year) from a wonderful couple that own it, Burt & Loretta Barton. I will take a bet that having “good […]
ALS, Alzheimer's, depression, immune system, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, prebiotic, probioticMouthwashes Cause Heart Attacks?

Under the category “Sensationalized Medical News for a Slow News Day” comes the story from across the pond warning that certain mouthwashes can raise your blood pressure, and by extension, heart attack and stroke risk. I did a double take reading that one so headed right to the paper for “the rest of the story.” […]
bacon, cancer, diet, exercise, Heart Disease, hypertension, immune system, nitrites, pre-term birth, sleep