Part II Tomatoes Are Just What the Doctor Ordered! I’m a huge fan of doing everything you can holistically for your health for disease prevention, i.e. manage your stress level, get the right amount of sleep, a balance of resistance and aerobic exercise and finally use the food you consume as your medicine cabinet! This […]
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You’ve Got the POWER…With Weight Lifting! Part I

What if I told you there was something you could do, on a weekly basis, that could boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, significantly decrease your risk of chronic diseases, instill you with an upbeat mind boost and even alleviate specific pains you might be experiencing from either age, disease or injury PLUS it […]
aerobics, anxiety, cardio, depression, Heart Disease, hormone balancer, metabolism booster, osteoporosis, pumping iron, resistance exercise training, resistance training, RET, Type II diabetes, weight lossMISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Solving the Mystery of the Healthy Fats’ Cooking Conundrum

Are you as absolutely confused (as I was) about which are the healthiest oils to use when cooking for you and your family, specifically those heart healthy fats? Unfortunately, heart disease still weighs in at #1 in the world so it’s always a hot news topic. And as you know, the news cycle seems to […]
AHA, American Heart Association, blood pressure, Blue Zones, British Medical Journal, butter, cholesterol, coconut oil, corn, CVD, EPA/DHA, expeller pressed oils, extra virgin olive oil, grass-fed butter, HDL, Heart Disease, hummus, Ikaria Greece, lauric acid, LDL, MCT, polyunsaturated, saturated, smoke point, soybean, sunflower, Tuft's University, whirlypopWarning: Instant Oatmeal Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!

How many times have you heard the old nutritional adage “shop the store’s perimeter” to avoid the glut of prettily and slick packaged, cheap, heavily processed and carbohydrate packed foods taking up the majority of most grocery stores? What you might not know is the strong scientific data piling up on an almost daily basis […]
ancient grains, cancer, cigarettes, glycemic index, glycemic load, Heart Disease, high glycemic foods, low glycemic foods, lung cancer, obesity, vegetablesNuts: Naughty and Nice for the Holidays!

Aren’t you a little tired of constantly being told what you can and can’t eat all year through to either lose weight or simply recapture or maintain your healthy vibrance? But now it’s the holidays!!!! Time to party and eat to your heart’s content!!! Hold that thought! What if there was a food […]
healthy, Heart Disease, monosaturated fats, nuts, weight lossVegetables Are A Well Kept Secret!!!

In your mind’s eye, go back a few years and picture you or one of your siblings sitting there at the kitchen table FOR HOURS because they didn’t finish their vegetables. Got the picture? If you were one of those individuals, you wouldn’t even think of consuming one of those mushy, tasteless “items” that […]
cancer, chronic disease, DIM, fruit, healthy, Heart Disease, vegetables, weight maintenancePaleo vs. Vegan: Can’t We All Get Along?

I was shocked when I did the research for this post. There are greater than 200 (I stopped counting there) web discussions regarding Paleo vs. Vegan! There are clear battle lines drawn for the distinctions between these two diets. I am not here to add further mudslinging to this debate. If you are reading this […]
Grains, grass-fed beef, Heart Disease, Legumes, Nutrition, nuts, Omnivore, Paleo, Vegan, weight loss, Wild-caught fishMouthwashes Cause Heart Attacks?

Under the category “Sensationalized Medical News for a Slow News Day” comes the story from across the pond warning that certain mouthwashes can raise your blood pressure, and by extension, heart attack and stroke risk. I did a double take reading that one so headed right to the paper for “the rest of the story.” […]
bacon, cancer, diet, exercise, Heart Disease, hypertension, immune system, nitrites, pre-term birth, sleep2013 Medical Highlights

2013 brought several key pronouncements from respected medical umbrella groups. November brought the sweeping American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines addressing prevention of heart disease through risk determination and aggressive medical and lifestlye treatment. It’s becoming clear that statins like Lipitor and Crestor can slash the chances of a stroke or first or second […]
Affordable Care Act, cholesterol, diet, Exeercise, Heart Disease, lifestyle, Mediterranean, obamacare, Paleo, Statins