One of Randy and my favorite songs is this terrific ballad, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was A Very Good Year” celebrating all the stages of life…. When I was thirty-five It was a very good year It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls Of independent means We’d ride in limousines Their […]
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Life’s Little Unexpected Pleasures/Treasures Can Be The Best!

Fall is finally here and the holidays are just around the corner!! Pretty soon we’ll be making joyful plans (with caution, I know, based on the pandemic status) for holiday gatherings for Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year!! But wait a minute, why can’t we enjoy (right now) those little moments or meals that […]
cauliflower, chicken tenders, chicken thighs, corn on the cob, grand girls, grandma, Grandpa, grapefruit salsa, great-grandparents, healthy, immune system, nutritious, peperonicini, pepperoncini, pleasure, red peppers, solanine, sunrise, treasureHome Sprinkled With Health For The Holidays

I know it’s December 10th, just 2 weeks before Christmas Eve and I shouldn’t really even take the time to write this blog to you because I’m REALLY behind this year! Randy and I are celebrating Christmas early this year (this weekend) with our kids and I don’t really have a clue what they all […]
cardio, Christmas, ghrelin, God, gratitude, healthy, holiday binges, holidays, leptin, sleep, stress, weight liftingHealthy In A Hurry For the Holidays!!

Well, the clock is ticking and the countdown is accelerating as we speak: Christmas is less than one month away!!! I still have that kid in me at Christmas! Here is a Polar Express look-alike I spied at Union Station in Chicago recently: I’m sure you all have quite a list of items you want […]
"What's for dinner?", cannellini, challenge, chicken breast, chicken sausage, Christmas, fire roasted tomatoes, garlic, healthy, herbes de provence, holidays, leek, onionNuts: Naughty and Nice for the Holidays!

Aren’t you a little tired of constantly being told what you can and can’t eat all year through to either lose weight or simply recapture or maintain your healthy vibrance? But now it’s the holidays!!!! Time to party and eat to your heart’s content!!! Hold that thought! What if there was a food […]
healthy, Heart Disease, monosaturated fats, nuts, weight loss“Call To Action” For Practical Wellness In The Business World

Are you one of the many workers in the business world that gives 100% to your job, your family and your friends, but has very little left to give yourself in the form of taking care of your own health? You could be a stay-at-home Mom/Dad with a small business, owner of a food-truck business […]
grass-fed burgers, healthy, networking, stay-at-home Mom/Dad, vegetablesUse Your H. E. A. D. for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining

I will bet that you think this string of words definitely doesn’t belong in the same universe, much less being pasted together to form the acronym H.E.A.D, standing for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining relating to preparation and dining of those much coveted home-cooked meals. AU CONTRAIRE!!! I had the pleasure of teaching an adult cooking […]
achievable, Brussels Sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, dining, healthy, swiss chardDiscover the Goodness of Ancient Grains: BARLEY

You might be thinking, “Really? What the heck is so special about barley?” Well I DID think the same thing, however, I’ve changed my mind. Now I put barley in the same category as Cinderella. A poor step-sister that has been taken for granted and is just waiting for someone to discover she is a […]
barley, blood sugar, cholesterol, healthy, pilaf, salsa, simmering, triglyceridesMaking a Memorable Meal on a Typical Wednesday Night

Wednesday evening, in our house, and probably yours, is still part of the work week with all the extra “stuff of life” attached to it. This past Wednesday evening’s activities were no different in the Tobler household: broken cars that needed to be dropped off in town along with clean-up and fix-it chores before having […]
cod, coulis, court bouillon, cruciferous vegetables, fresh ingredients, healthy, quinoa, red pepperSuper Foods, Super Plate, Super Tasty!
What makes a meal extra special? Of course there are the people you dine with, the stories you hear and tell, the revelations of the day’s events you share. No doubt the wine, beer, spring water or whatever libation that complements the food is important. But the centerpiece? It’s the FOOD! And the more I […]
Brussels Sprouts, Freekeh, healthy, salmon, Super Foods, Tasty, Veggies