Well, the clock is ticking and the countdown is accelerating as we speak: Christmas is less than one month away!!! I still have that kid in me at Christmas! Here is a Polar Express look-alike I spied at Union Station in Chicago recently: I’m sure you all have quite a list of items you want […]
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SUPERFOOD RECIPES- Allium Vegetables

I always think of Rodney Dangerfield when I think of the Allium Family of Vegetables, comprised of onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, green onions and chives. His famous saying “I don’t get no respect” resonates with this clan because they truly possess a powerhouse of health qualities AND taste, but they usually remain in the […]
beets, cauliflower, garlic, grass-fed butter, leeks, red onions, roasted shrimp, shallotsSUPERFOOD RECIPES- Superfood/Comfort Food

I know, the traditional comfort foods are usually what you think of when you truly want a little comfort from the big ol’ bad world we live in. Traditional comfort foods meaning lots of buttery or fried refined carbs, fried and breaded meats and maybe throw in a starchy vegetable, i.e. corn. Do I have […]
Brussels Sprouts, freekah, garlic, grass-fed butter, onion, red pepper, shallot, wild-caught salmonSUPERFOOD RECIPES-Whole Grains and Legumes
Whole grains and legumes should be an important part of the majority of your meals. Not only do they offer you important B vitamins and magnesium (legumes) but their fiber and protein punch over white flour products and rice leaves you with that satiated feeling after a meal that keeps you from coming back for […]
Chimichurri, Chinese Five-Spice, coconut oil, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, freekah, garlic, grass-fed burgers, pork, porridge, port, quinoa, tilapia, Vietnamese