How long has the word “diet” been a mainstay of your vocabulary in terms of weight loss??? I swear the word must be tattooed to my thighs and brain! I truly WAS the honorary member of the “try any and every diet to lose weight and look like Twiggy” club. And since you can see […]
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Diet Wars Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
diet, low-carb, low-fat, weight lossDiet Wars

So, the “Diet Wars” have been raging for years now, and Atkins type low-carb diets seem to out-muscle other higher carb diets for reliable and easier to achieve short to medium term weight loss. There are some caveats, though. Here’s what you have to know to be healthy and lose weight… A few years ago, […]
Adkins, diet, low-carb, low-fat, weight lossMouthwashes Cause Heart Attacks?

Under the category “Sensationalized Medical News for a Slow News Day” comes the story from across the pond warning that certain mouthwashes can raise your blood pressure, and by extension, heart attack and stroke risk. I did a double take reading that one so headed right to the paper for “the rest of the story.” […]
bacon, cancer, diet, exercise, Heart Disease, hypertension, immune system, nitrites, pre-term birth, sleep2013 Medical Highlights

2013 brought several key pronouncements from respected medical umbrella groups. November brought the sweeping American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines addressing prevention of heart disease through risk determination and aggressive medical and lifestlye treatment. It’s becoming clear that statins like Lipitor and Crestor can slash the chances of a stroke or first or second […]
Affordable Care Act, cholesterol, diet, Exeercise, Heart Disease, lifestyle, Mediterranean, obamacare, Paleo, StatinsDiet Soda Delusion Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
calories, diet, soda, weight gain, weight lossDiet Soda Delusion
Will drinking diet sodas actually cause weight gain? Researchers have found that diet sodas can often cause weight gain, instead of loss. But there are no calories in diet soda, right? How can you gain weight from something with no calories? Well, there may be several factors, but one major one is human psychology. Diet […]
artifical sweeteners, calories, diet, psychology, soda, weight gain, weight lossDiet Soda Blues

Will diet sodas cause strokes? That’s what you might have heard from the media lately. Research has shown a 50% increase of chance for vascular related ills, such as strokes and heart attacks, by simply consuming one diet soda daily. So, you should pitch your recently-purchased six-pack of zero-calorie sweetened beverages, right? Not so quickly. […]
diabetes, diet, health, heart attack, soda, strokeDiet Soda Blues Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
diet, health, sodaWeight Loss with Half and Half?

Switch to “ 1/2 and 1/2 “ on weekdays for a year and lose 33 pounds!!! Aha! Gotcha, right? You really believe you can lose weight by drinking Half and Half? Well, you’re right on if the skeptic in you says: See, I was right, no way Half and Half can contribute to a thinner […]
diet, half and half, healthy, pop, soda, weight loss