Question for you today: Is regular daily physical movement a big part of your life? Note that kids don’t even think about it, activity is their oxygen: What happens to us when we get older though? Many of us put our family and life’s obligations before taking care of ourselves, and we […]
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I’ve Got The Music In Me!!

Here’s a mind puzzle: Try to identify an activity in your life you can access on a whim, costs you nothing, is calorie free, has the potential of totally transforming your mood AND is a blessing our ancestors enjoyed for ages…. Give up? It’s music!! AND this is an interactive music blog! Press […]
7 dwarves, Alzheimer's, Bob Kuban Brass, brain boost, Cast Iron Pork Fajitas, dance, dancing, David Schmitt, depression, dopamine, entrainment, harmon, ISO principal, melody, neurotransmitter, Parkinson's, radio show Healthy U, sensory cortex, suicide, This Is My Fight Song, visual cortex, wellness, Whistle While You Work, With A Little Help From My FriendsTaking Advantage of The “Pause Button” In Our Lives

I want you all to imagine your lives having an imagined “pause” button during this time of quarantine: Here’s a pic of my very busy calendar schedule during quarantine (lol), the only real date was the dogs monthly flea and tick medicine reminder: Even if you are out in the workforce, leaving your house everyday, […]
anxiety, Baby Boomers, bible, BMI, CDC, Cinderella, Covid-19, depression, diabetes, fear, Fitness Blender, granddaughter, Great Depression, Greatest Generation, healthy eating, high blood pressure, junk food, Make America Healthy Again, Mediterranean Diet, mood, Nicole Saphier, Nutrition, obesity, Planetarium, proverb, routine, Sammi Gregory Fitness, stress, Sweaty Betty, trust, ZoomYou’ve Got the POWER…With Weight Lifting! Part I

What if I told you there was something you could do, on a weekly basis, that could boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, significantly decrease your risk of chronic diseases, instill you with an upbeat mind boost and even alleviate specific pains you might be experiencing from either age, disease or injury PLUS it […]
aerobics, anxiety, cardio, depression, Heart Disease, hormone balancer, metabolism booster, osteoporosis, pumping iron, resistance exercise training, resistance training, RET, Type II diabetes, weight lossMillennial Man’s Guide To Amping Up Your Grey Matter

I am/was honored to speak at the Delta Chi Region IV Regional Leadership Conference, held at Truman University in Kirksville, Missouri. Since we all have brains, not just these great, smart group of guys, here’s a summary for them, and all my readers: Take care of your brain, live long and prosper! The theme is […]
anxiety, depression, exercise, fake foods, gut-health, H.I.I.T., millennials, stress, stressedAll I Want For Christmas Is Some Good Gut Bugs!!

What would you like to see packaged up in a box under your Christmas tree this year? This is a beautiful tree we bought locally at Birch Meadow Farm Christmas Trees (as we do every year) from a wonderful couple that own it, Burt & Loretta Barton. I will take a bet that having “good […]
ALS, Alzheimer's, depression, immune system, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, prebiotic, probiotic