So fall is REALLY here again and our schedules are heating up! I LOVE IT, but it usually is, almost absolutely CRAZY! I’m sure you all have the same fun challenges! My schedule was packed when I worked a full time job and a part-time job at night right out of college (with my husband […]
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Doesn’t Every Girl Want To Be A Princess?

I was mulling over the constant media exposure we’ve all been deluged with this past month and now, this past weekend, the hour-by-hour, up close and personal coverage regarding the marriage of Prince Harry and his new bride, now Princess Meghan Markle. I know, I know, technically they are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, […]
castle, culinary, Drtobler, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Healthy U, Kidz Can Cook, MACA, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, Mom, princess, Princess Diana, queen, weddingFood For Thought……

I have a confession to make. I’ve been having quite a love affair with something (not someone besides my husband, mind you) since I was a child and that love keeps just growing stronger as I age. That would be my torrid love affair with food. As a kid, I was much more excited about […]
915 labs, blackened shrimp wraps, culinary, FCS teachers, honey, MATS, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, National Restaurant Association, Nutrition, ProStartBattling Those Cold Winter Nights with a Hearty (and Healthy) Meal
Last week, most of the United States experienced a blast of Arctic air that set record temperatures from the West, all the way through the Heartland to the East and of course the Deep South. So if you were like me, you were either stranded at home because there is only one car that can […]
beans, cod, cozy, culinary, cupboard, kitchen, lamb, meal, salmon, soupThe JOY of Cooking

Challenge and Confidence I’m sitting here, the day after a formal dinner party for some friends, and great physicians, we are hoping to recruit to staff our local hospital. I have to tell you, I’m feeling pretty good about it. I can’t say that about every party Randy and I have given because in the […]
appetizers, challenge, confidence, culinary