What if I told you there’s hope for training you, or your loved one’s taste buds (not matter what your age is) to accept and love bitter greens? Interested? First let’s set the stage…. Who doesn’t remember Kermit the Frog, lamenting his “green” status when he sang the song: It’s Not Easy Being […]
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Summer Lovin’ With A K.I.S.S.

Who doesn’t remember that beginning song from the movie Grease when Sandra Dee and Danny Zuko are reminiscing about their fleeting summer romance: Summer lovin’, had me a blast Summer lovin’, happened so fast I met a girl, crazy for me Met a boy, as cute as can be Summer days, drifting away to oh, […]
Brussels Sprouts, core strength, grandma, movement, Nutrition, papiotte, reality, resistance training, salmon, summerFall is the Best Season to Recharge Your Health!

Every fall for me is truly a new opportunity to improve every aspect of my life! It must go back to those days of excitement as a student, starting a new grade in school, and then reliving those days when my kids started school, starting with a new beginning each time. Add to that the […]
berries, Brussels Sprouts, coconut milk, cruciferous vegetables, exercise, fall, grass-fed beef, inflammation, wild-caught salmonUse Your H. E. A. D. for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining

I will bet that you think this string of words definitely doesn’t belong in the same universe, much less being pasted together to form the acronym H.E.A.D, standing for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining relating to preparation and dining of those much coveted home-cooked meals. AU CONTRAIRE!!! I had the pleasure of teaching an adult cooking […]
achievable, Brussels Sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, dining, healthy, swiss chardSUPERFOOD RECIPES-Cruciferous Vegetables

So what do you think of when you hear the word CANCER? I personally think of these cancer cells without boundaries: Okay, now we know what the enemy looks like. How do we fight it? One way to fight it is with the ally of a family that can make a difference, the CRUCIFEROUS FAMILY. […]
bok choy, Brussels Sprouts, caesar salad, Chinese Five-Spice, fish sauce, freekah, kale, swiss chardSUPERFOOD RECIPES- Superfood/Comfort Food

I know, the traditional comfort foods are usually what you think of when you truly want a little comfort from the big ol’ bad world we live in. Traditional comfort foods meaning lots of buttery or fried refined carbs, fried and breaded meats and maybe throw in a starchy vegetable, i.e. corn. Do I have […]
Brussels Sprouts, freekah, garlic, grass-fed butter, onion, red pepper, shallot, wild-caught salmonSuper Foods, Super Plate, Super Tasty!
What makes a meal extra special? Of course there are the people you dine with, the stories you hear and tell, the revelations of the day’s events you share. No doubt the wine, beer, spring water or whatever libation that complements the food is important. But the centerpiece? It’s the FOOD! And the more I […]
Brussels Sprouts, Freekeh, healthy, salmon, Super Foods, Tasty, Veggies