Insomnia affects more than half of the U.S. population, and can have a major effect on our lives. A simple tune-up with the following tools may be all you need to get a better night’s sleep.
- Avoid caffeine after noon, even chocolate.
- Exercise regularly, at least six days a week, mixing aerobics with strengthening. A brisk workout will energize you.
- Eat a “caveman” diet, avoiding processed foods, such as processed sugar and flour.
- Take a hot shower before bed, or a lavender oil bath. The oil will coat your skin, and help you to relax.
- Melatonin and Magnesium can also be helpful for some people to have restful sleep.
- Try to awaken and fall asleep at the same time, even on weekends.
Finally, check with your doctor to see if you have depression of anxiety, or the increasingly common sleeping disorder: sleep apnea, that is preventing restful sleep.