Zero calorie spaghetti! Yes, that’s right, oodles of zero-calorie noodles. Glucomannan, a zero-calorie, heart healthy fiber made from tubers, makes an excellent alternative to conventional noodles. It is a translucent, delicate, and relatively tasteless noodle, which allows it to take on the flavor of whatever spices or sauces are added to it. Because the tubers […]
Insomnia affects more than half of the U.S. population, and can have a major effect on our lives. A simple tune-up with the following tools may be all you need to get a better night’s sleep. Avoid caffeine after noon, even chocolate. Exercise regularly, at least six days a week, mixing aerobics with strengthening. A […]
caffeine, clarity, energy, exercise, insomnia, sleepHealthcare Reform
There is no question that our healthcare system needs a tune-up. Patients need access and focused attention, at a reasonable cost. Doctors in hospitals simply want to render the best care for patients they can without all the needless regulatory interference, and the out-of-control malpractice environment. Employers want freedom from the ever-growing costs that could […]
debate, healthcare, reformVitamin D
Vitamin D is not just a bone builder. Here is what you need to know about this nutritional powerhouse! A growing body of research is pointing to Vitamin D as the new American epidemic. Well over 50% of kids from a recent nationwide study were well under the desirable levels. That mirrors the problem in […]
deficiency, epidemic, sun, vitamin dBreast Cancer Prevention
How can you avoid getting breast cancer? Learn how to limit your risk with lifestyle, and maybe pharmaceutical prevention. Getting timely exams is essential in picking up early and more curable forms of cancers. Intervention doesn’t guarantee prevention, but you can reduce your odds of getting breast cancer in several ways. Lifestyle changes, like vigorous […]
breast cancer, excercise, health, lifestyle, prevention