Are you in full swing for the New Year already? I’ll be honest, I’m a little on the slow side in taking down our Christmas tree; This live Christmas tree and it’s ornaments representing our life’s journey… The year Randy and I were married: Our goofy family Christmas cards (“Silo Knight”): The […]
Super Foods, Super Plate, Super Tasty!
What makes a meal extra special? Of course there are the people you dine with, the stories you hear and tell, the revelations of the day’s events you share. No doubt the wine, beer, spring water or whatever libation that complements the food is important. But the centerpiece? It’s the FOOD! And the more I […]
Brussels Sprouts, Freekeh, healthy, salmon, Super Foods, Tasty, VeggiesCelebrate the 4th Safely!

Are you planning on having some fireworks fun this Fourth of July? Here are some tips to keep you and your family out of the ER this holiday. Ok, my family knows I’m a bit of a pyrotechnic patriot when it comes to our July 4th celebration. However, I understand the risks and take the […]
danger, fireworks, safety, sparklersSunburn Rescue

The Sun is shining and smiling… but he may leave you crying. Here’s what you need to know if you get sunburned this weekend. Sunburn’s Temporary and Extended Implications Sunburns have long-term implications, including liver spots, premature wrinkling, and even cancer! But it’s the stinging pain you’ll be thinking about if you happened to leave […]
spf 30, sun burn, sun poisoning, sun screen, tanningInsect Defense

Welcome to the season of baseball, fresh air, sunshine… and bugs. Read below for tips on protecting your family from stings and more! It’s annoying enough to have that itchy, swelling mosquito bite, or the tick that has been your silent traveling buddy for awhile, but West Nile, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease and […]
deet, insect bite, insecticide, mosquito, oil of lemon eucalyptus, permethrin, picaridin, repellant, tickSpring Sneeze Rx

Spring is busting out everywhere… along with your watery eyes, runny noses and for some with asthma, extra wheezing. Read below for solid advice on managing your seasonal allergies! Testing for Allergies Tired of your allergies, coming at the same time every year? One important thing is to get tested, this will help determine the […]
allergies, medication, nasal irrigation, seasonal, springSpring Sneeze

Spring has sprung upon us, along with its sniffles and sneezes. After the harsh winter, many of us are relieved to be in spring… except for seasonal allergy victims. The quick plant growth, spring showers and kite-flying breezes that usher in the summer also pummel people with pollen and mold. What causes allergies? Air-borne allergens […]
allergies, mold, pollen, seasonal, sneeze, springDiet Wars

So, the “Diet Wars” have been raging for years now, and Atkins type low-carb diets seem to out-muscle other higher carb diets for reliable and easier to achieve short to medium term weight loss. There are some caveats, though. Here’s what you have to know to be healthy and lose weight… A few years ago, […]
Adkins, diet, low-carb, low-fat, weight lossMouthwashes Cause Heart Attacks?

Under the category “Sensationalized Medical News for a Slow News Day” comes the story from across the pond warning that certain mouthwashes can raise your blood pressure, and by extension, heart attack and stroke risk. I did a double take reading that one so headed right to the paper for “the rest of the story.” […]
bacon, cancer, diet, exercise, Heart Disease, hypertension, immune system, nitrites, pre-term birth, sleepHeart Healthy Tips

If you would like to know some simple, yet achievable, eating tips for Heart Healthy Month, keep reading: It’s February Heart Month, and a cardiologist and I were lamenting the fact that most people know what they should eat to be healthy, but rarely do they actually achieve that goal. You know how it goes: […]
fat, healthy, heart