I just can’t help myself when the season of autumn appears on the scene. Cooler days and kaleidoscope colored leaves are here: Not to mention that bonfire and pumpkin scented candle smoke wafts in the air. I am always on the lookout for pumpkin pie-spiced anything this time of year! In fact, my husband, […]
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You’ve Got the POWER…With Weight Lifting! Part 2

I’ve laid out the groundwork for you to embrace a personal weekly resistance/weight lifting program with You’ve Got The POWER..With Weight Lifting! Part 1 and we’ve explored The Why of resistance training: Recap: THE WHY: Metabolism/Weight Loss Booster Chronic Disease Buster Recovery Tool Balm For the Mind and Hormone Balancer Even the American College of Sports Medicine […]
metabolism, muscle, muscle wiki, physical therapist, protein, pumping iron, resistance training, salmonYou’ve Got the POWER…With Weight Lifting! Part I

What if I told you there was something you could do, on a weekly basis, that could boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, significantly decrease your risk of chronic diseases, instill you with an upbeat mind boost and even alleviate specific pains you might be experiencing from either age, disease or injury PLUS it […]
aerobics, anxiety, cardio, depression, Heart Disease, hormone balancer, metabolism booster, osteoporosis, pumping iron, resistance exercise training, resistance training, RET, Type II diabetes, weight lossHYGGE: Celebrating the Little Treasures in Life

Would you consider yourself a generally happy person? Or is your life so full of must-dos and/or strife, either in the business or personal arena, you just can’t muster up a “yes” answer? And since it is the summer, you might have just come back from a fabulous vacation to chill out and hopefully reach that […]
comfort, cozy, Denmark, GDP, grandparents, great-grandparents, happiest countries, hygge, Nat King Cole, Natalie Cole, scallopsDoesn’t Every Girl Want To Be A Princess?

I was mulling over the constant media exposure we’ve all been deluged with this past month and now, this past weekend, the hour-by-hour, up close and personal coverage regarding the marriage of Prince Harry and his new bride, now Princess Meghan Markle. I know, I know, technically they are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, […]
castle, culinary, Drtobler, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Healthy U, Kidz Can Cook, MACA, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, Mom, princess, Princess Diana, queen, weddingTime To Think About A New You?

Are you happy with where you are right now with your health, lifestyle and even the way you look? I am celebrating my 60thbirthday this year (little secret, Randy is too), so my priorities have definitely changed! One of my main concerns as a young adult all the way through to motherhood was to feel I […]
aerobic exercise, IIFYM, macronutrient diet, macros, resistance training, Superfoods, weight liftingThe Secret To Guiltless Indulging

You know what I should be doing right now, instead of writing and cooking for this blog? I should be getting a handle on our taxes, which loom over my head every year at this time. However, I felt a higher calling today than tax preparation, and that is preparing for the Annual Super Bowl […]
Planting Your Tree of Life For the New Year

Are you in full swing for the New Year already? I’ll be honest, I’m a little on the slow side in taking down our Christmas tree; This live Christmas tree and it’s ornaments representing our life’s journey… The year Randy and I were married: Our goofy family Christmas cards (“Silo Knight”): The […]
culinary arts, electric cars, facebook post, Holly Butcher, self-driving cars, stresses, weight lifting, worriedHealthy In A Hurry For the Holidays!!

Well, the clock is ticking and the countdown is accelerating as we speak: Christmas is less than one month away!!! I still have that kid in me at Christmas! Here is a Polar Express look-alike I spied at Union Station in Chicago recently: I’m sure you all have quite a list of items you want […]
"What's for dinner?", cannellini, challenge, chicken breast, chicken sausage, Christmas, fire roasted tomatoes, garlic, healthy, herbes de provence, holidays, leek, onionFood For Thought……

I have a confession to make. I’ve been having quite a love affair with something (not someone besides my husband, mind you) since I was a child and that love keeps just growing stronger as I age. That would be my torrid love affair with food. As a kid, I was much more excited about […]
915 labs, blackened shrimp wraps, culinary, FCS teachers, honey, MATS, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, National Restaurant Association, Nutrition, ProStart