So you want to start a health program??? MMMmmmmm? You are sitting there questioning your sanity and your lack of commitment if you are like the way I was about a “health program” in my past. Health was not the real goal for me as a teenager or young married adult with kids, it was […]
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DEAR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF PATIENTS IN THE UNITED STATES: I am truly not a political person. When people get together and talk about politics in social situations, I’m usually the one who mentions a couple of salient points to look like I know what I’m talking about, then I either leave the conversation or sit […]
healthcare, obama, obamacare, patients, physiciansWeight Loss with Half and Half?

Switch to “ 1/2 and 1/2 “ on weekdays for a year and lose 33 pounds!!! Aha! Gotcha, right? You really believe you can lose weight by drinking Half and Half? Well, you’re right on if the skeptic in you says: See, I was right, no way Half and Half can contribute to a thinner […]
diet, half and half, healthy, pop, soda, weight lossTaming Stress One Day at a Time

Ahhh…yes. Saturday afternoon, The Randy Tobler Show went pretty well this morning, the chores are finished-thanks to the drizzle, I have no choice-and it’s time to spend the overcast afternoon contemplating my navel. Not really, but there is a need even for overachieving workaholics like me to stop and smell the snow melt. Truly, I […]
rainy, relaxation, saturdays, sereneWelcome to Vital Living and!

It’s a new day, a new site and an exciting offering from the Toblers. Welcome to ( works too!) Our immersion into the best in health and wellness will now be consolidated for you in one spot. The team is growing too. Behind the scenes our desire for excellence is driving a feverish pace […]
health, heliene, randy, vital living, vital signsPeanuts, Peanuts, Get Your (Toddler) Peanuts!

Well well well, the childhood allergy experts are rethinking some advice that has been etched in granite for over a decade. And it’s not the first time dogma turns out not to be, either. Over and over, science confirms time-honored truths: “What’s true today may not be tomorrow.” We’ve seen vacillation on whether postmenopausal hormone […]
allergic, childhood, hygienic, immune, pediatrics, systemVital Signs 2.0 Rollout
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
rollout, signs, vitalNo Z-pack for this cold!

I’m sitting here on the 3rd day of a wicked late winter cold. Heliene has it too. I’m hacking, keeping Kleenex stockholders happy, irrigating my aching sinuses regularly, and sipping tea and honey to soothe the scratchy throat the virus brings. But it’s that cough, mostly dry, sometimes not, but reliably incessant, that leads me […]
cold, flu, health, immuneThe JOY of Cooking

Challenge and Confidence I’m sitting here, the day after a formal dinner party for some friends, and great physicians, we are hoping to recruit to staff our local hospital. I have to tell you, I’m feeling pretty good about it. I can’t say that about every party Randy and I have given because in the […]
appetizers, challenge, confidence, culinaryBerry Brain

Berries are the most colorful and among the most potent antioxidant power punches you can throw. Think of it. The reason colorful plants, from deep green spinach to azure blueberries or deep purple blackberries, are so healthy is they grow in full sun, and must have amazing self protection so they don’t sunburn. The solar […]
antioxidents, berries, brain, healthy, organic, phytonutrients, polyphenols