Are you whizzing through your day, getting frustrated if you’ve misplaced your phone charger because looking for it puts you behind in all of your many commitments for the day? If you answered an unequivocal “yes” to that question, we can talk. I too was that person, frustrated with any little insubstantial detour life had […]
Curtail Your Cravings!

Do food cravings rule certain portions of your life, beckoning you by blotting out all activity around you and calling your name? I’ve been there too. This was a celebration of our daughter Sammi’s 4th birthday, with our daughter Shannon doing a “mock” blowout of the candles and brother Sean guiding her toward the candles. […]
addiction, craving, healthy, hyper palatable, mouthfeel, taste buds, triggers, unhealthyTurn Unhealthy Stress Into Eustress!

Your eyes might glaze over when you hear the word “stress” these days because it has almost morphed into a pervasive cloud that just appears to have a permanent place in the atmosphere we breathe. We live in a technological world where we are required to be “plugged in” at all times, in addition to […]
stress5 Top Tips For A Tapas Power Meal At YOUR Home

Randy recently rushed in the door with a look of desperation on his face. He said he had to get some people together quickly for a business meeting in a quiet setting that was relaxing, yet inviting, talking about important future business plans. Excellent food also had to be a part of the equation. Randy […]
Mise en place, Spanish, tapasSurgical Recovery: “Yes Virginia, You Could Have Surgery One Day Too!”

I truly have been blessed in my life. I’ve never had a hospital stay, except for the birth of our three kids. I’ve been very healthy, leading an active lifestyle with no problems in sight. I’ve loved to exercise (especially running) since I was eighteen, ramping it up at the age of 40 to regularly […]
exercise, mental, recovery, surgerySpain Off the Beaten Path: An Unexpected Spectrum of Life’s Richest Treasures

So what do you think of when you hear the word “Spain”? Do words like spicy, burritos, mariachi bands or flamingo dancers come to mind? How about only the well-known locations of Madrid or Barcelona? That is what I thought Spain was all about; nothing too deep, but maybe a nice place to visit. What […]
Castilla y Leon, healthy life expectancy, SpainKid’s Nutrition: It’s Gotta Be “Bad” Before Kids Think It’s Good!

My son Sean came home from school one day and was listening to some of his music. He told me it was “bad” and I asked him why he was listening to it if it was “bad”. He then explained to me that “bad” is really good, that is “really cool and hip” (in […]
healthy, junk food, kids, Nutrition, overweight, parents, summertime, technologyThe Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Beef Debate:You Are What You Eat, Eats!

I feel very passionate about this subject because I believe one cherished pillar of the American way of life, that is, consumption of beef, has been completely vilified by the mainstream American media and the scientific community as being a major source of medical and ecological problems for it’s U.S. citizens. I am here to […]
beef, corn-fed, grain-fed, grass-fed, healthHigh Intensity Interval Training for the “Time Challenged”

Are you someone that just can’t find the time to exercise because of a busy schedule? A bit burned out with the exercise regimen you have been sticking to the last umpteen years and you want a little change? Then, High Intensity Interval Training (H. I. I. T. ) is an aerobic exercise option […]
“N. W. T. C.” Should Be Everyone’s Mantra!

My personal belief in dieting has evolved to this: (1) Eat healthy in the right “ballpark” amounts 90% of the time and leave a 10% margin for “treat” eating we all enjoy. (2) Exercise, or just move meaningfully (a total of at least 30) everyday in someway. I’m so addicted to the afterglow of exercise […]