Are you one of the many workers in the business world that gives 100% to your job, your family and your friends, but has very little left to give yourself in the form of taking care of your own health? You could be a stay-at-home Mom/Dad with a small business, owner of a food-truck business […]
Use Your H. E. A. D. for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining

I will bet that you think this string of words definitely doesn’t belong in the same universe, much less being pasted together to form the acronym H.E.A.D, standing for Healthy Enjoyable Achievable Dining relating to preparation and dining of those much coveted home-cooked meals. AU CONTRAIRE!!! I had the pleasure of teaching an adult cooking […]
achievable, Brussels Sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, dining, healthy, swiss chardDiscover the Goodness of Ancient Grains: WHEAT BERRIES

If you haven’t discovered this delightfully chewy and nutty ancient grain, I’m telling you, you are missing out!!! It is extremely chameleon-like, that is it is easily adaptable to being a delightful addition to both sweet and savory dishes, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner or it can definitely stand on it’s own as a […]
barley, bran, endosperm, germ, gut-health, health, kimchi, pilaf, preparation, recipe, risotto, simmer, wheat berriesDiscover the Goodness of Ancient Grains: BARLEY

You might be thinking, “Really? What the heck is so special about barley?” Well I DID think the same thing, however, I’ve changed my mind. Now I put barley in the same category as Cinderella. A poor step-sister that has been taken for granted and is just waiting for someone to discover she is a […]
barley, blood sugar, cholesterol, healthy, pilaf, salsa, simmering, triglyceridesDiscover the Goodness of Ancient Grains: QUINOA

Quinoa, is probably one of the most versatile and nutritious foods you will ever encounter. Versatile because it can adapt to almost any international recipe profile (just wait until you see the quinoa “good eats” I have for you to try). Nutritious because it packs a mean nourishment wallop of food label “high flyers”. You’ll […]
amaranth, ancient grains, fiber, menu idea, NASA, nutritious, protein, quinoaMaking a Memorable Meal on a Typical Wednesday Night

Wednesday evening, in our house, and probably yours, is still part of the work week with all the extra “stuff of life” attached to it. This past Wednesday evening’s activities were no different in the Tobler household: broken cars that needed to be dropped off in town along with clean-up and fix-it chores before having […]
cod, coulis, court bouillon, cruciferous vegetables, fresh ingredients, healthy, quinoa, red pepperDiscover the Goodness of Ancient Grains: AMARANTH

Amaranth, having the dimension of the tiniest of seeds, a/k/a brown caviar, has a prestigious historical, nutritional and culinary profile that is worth adding to your ancient grain “toolchest” of knowledge. History-Amaranth has been in the history books for thousands of years, most notably identified with the Pre-Columbian Aztecs. Pre-Columbian literally denotes that […]
amaranth, ancient grains, gluten-free, pilaf, risottoDiscover The Goodness of Ancient Grains

We live in a world where anything in the category of “old” is disposed of or considered “passé”. Always in search of the new and exciting, we just accept the same old way of doing things, even if there are better choices. Isn’t it thrilling though, when the really old comes back and we realize […]
amaranth, ancient grains, bran, buckwheat, endosperm, farro, freekah, germ, kamut, wheatberries, whole grainsWhat Are SUPERFOODS???

What is the deal with the term SUPERFOODS? If you eat them can you leap tall buildings with a single bound? Or, does your brain have special powers, and you can actually read other people’s minds? Actually, the definition, per the Oxford dictionary is somewhat wishy-washy: a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially […]
berries, DNA, EPA/DHA, gut-health, kimchi, Legumes, Omega 3s, Superfoods, whole grainsSUPERFOOD RECIPES- EPA/DHA ( Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

This trio of cold-water fish packs a mighty anti-inflammation and brain-power punch to your diet because they contain the superfood gold-standard of Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA/DHA. Two simple picture metaphors can help you understand their importance: EPA/DHA acts as a fire extinguisher for chronic inflammation in your body. Remember that chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s […]
EPA/DHA, jalapeño, kale, polenta, preserved tomato sauce, sardines, wild-caught salmon