weed (wēd) noun A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one that grows where it is not wanted and often grows or spreads fast or takes the place of desired plants. Note that a weed is not a particular type of plant, for one man’s weed is another man’s desirable greens. And I don’t […]
Always Celebrate the Zoe in Your Lives….

Our family has been incredibly blessed. Randy and I have weathered the euphoric, disappointing, proud and tumultuous moments of our now, full-grown kids. That was a nail-biter for a good 25 years and I’m sure more nail-biting is yet to come with our adult age kids. One aspect that has been a “given” over […]
celebration, dog, petsTo Grill Or Not To Grill, That is the Question…..

But really, is there any question? Since spring is already upon us and summer is close behind, one of the heavenly bonuses of finally getting outside in the sunshine after the cold winter weather is cooking our meals, but specifically our meats, on the grill outside. Just think, the aromas of the meat of your […]
cancer, HCA, IARC, marinades, meat, olive oil, PAHWarning: Instant Oatmeal Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!

How many times have you heard the old nutritional adage “shop the store’s perimeter” to avoid the glut of prettily and slick packaged, cheap, heavily processed and carbohydrate packed foods taking up the majority of most grocery stores? What you might not know is the strong scientific data piling up on an almost daily basis […]
ancient grains, cancer, cigarettes, glycemic index, glycemic load, Heart Disease, high glycemic foods, low glycemic foods, lung cancer, obesity, vegetablesDrink From The Healing Pitcher of Optimism!

Have you ever run across someone that seems to have so many negative “issues” going on, i.e. cancer, caught in an unhealthy job, ailing parents or kids are in trouble, yet, they seem to be taking it in stride with a positive attitude? What mindset do they have that we can all learn from? […]
Captain Phillips, disease, illness, Joan Lunden, optimist, pessimist, ReaganThe New Four Letter Word: DIET!!!

How long has the word “diet” been a mainstay of your vocabulary in terms of weight loss??? I swear the word must be tattooed to my thighs and brain! I truly WAS the honorary member of the “try any and every diet to lose weight and look like Twiggy” club. And since you can see […]
brain, diet, millennial, movement, Nutrition, pilates, practical wellness, sobriety, yogaNuts: Naughty and Nice for the Holidays!

Aren’t you a little tired of constantly being told what you can and can’t eat all year through to either lose weight or simply recapture or maintain your healthy vibrance? But now it’s the holidays!!!! Time to party and eat to your heart’s content!!! Hold that thought! What if there was a food […]
healthy, Heart Disease, monosaturated fats, nuts, weight lossDeer Season Meets The Goodness of Ancient Grains: Venison & Kamut

I’ll be honest, my husband Randy and I are relatively nascent members of the deer season world. It was our love of the land that really was a key motivation for our move from our birthplace of St. Louis to Northeast or Scotland County, Missouri. Along the way, Randy has developed a love for being […]
deer, kamut, Omega 3s, venisonHow To Protect Your Brain With Simple Lifestyle Choices

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, so I thought it was fitting to talk about simple lifestyle measures we all can take to protect our cherished brain health. I have a dear friend who was telling me about her two friends and the health outcomes of their mothers. One friend’s Mom died 20 years ago of […]
Alzheimer's, belly bugs, dementia, gut-health, inflammation, kimchiLife Lessons Learned in the Kitchen……..

As I’m sitting here in my kitchen on this beautiful fall day, just taking a breather from commitments and obligations (btw, my check registers and bills must also be balanced and paid by the end of this “breather”). I was just wondering what it is about the kitchen that is so crucial, besides the obvious […]
brainstorm, cater, dinner, life lesson, meal