Are you as absolutely confused (as I was) about which are the healthiest oils to use when cooking for you and your family, specifically those heart healthy fats? Unfortunately, heart disease still weighs in at #1 in the world so it’s always a hot news topic. And as you know, the news cycle seems to […]
A Graduation in Faith

I’m sitting here, really counting my blessings. Our “baby” of the family graduated from college this past Sunday and already has a “big girl” job lined up: Our other two children have also graduated from college and are doing great things with their careers. All three of our kids have also made terrific […]
bible, OG-GYN, traditional medicineMillennial Man’s Guide To Amping Up Your Grey Matter

I am/was honored to speak at the Delta Chi Region IV Regional Leadership Conference, held at Truman University in Kirksville, Missouri. Since we all have brains, not just these great, smart group of guys, here’s a summary for them, and all my readers: Take care of your brain, live long and prosper! The theme is […]
anxiety, depression, exercise, fake foods, gut-health, H.I.I.T., millennials, stress, stressedStar Telomeres: The Next Generation of Health Markers

There was something exciting and magical about the television series Star Trek. It pushed forward the premise that humans are really mere infants when it comes to discovering what delightful secrets our universe has yet to be uncovered with it’s signature mantra “To Boldly Go Where No Man has Gone Before”: We are in […]
cognitive behavior therapy, exercise, inflammation, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, star trek, telomeresAll I Want For Christmas Is Some Good Gut Bugs!!

What would you like to see packaged up in a box under your Christmas tree this year? This is a beautiful tree we bought locally at Birch Meadow Farm Christmas Trees (as we do every year) from a wonderful couple that own it, Burt & Loretta Barton. I will take a bet that having “good […]
ALS, Alzheimer's, depression, immune system, leaky gut syndrome, microbiome, prebiotic, probiotic“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”

I didn’t wake up this morning thinking I’d write about anything remotely political. And, as you will see, this isn’t, for it’s just a call to personal responsibility. The political dust after this election will take time to settle, but settle it will, for all the name calling will eventually be forgotten. And in it’s […]
ACA, ancient grains, baklava, carbohydrates, Dr. Donald Berwick, exercise, healthy lifestyle, John F. Kennedy, Legumes, movement, Nutrition, sleep, vegetables, yogaMAN INNATELY KNOWS THAT DELICIOUS equals NUTRITIOUS!

Do you remember those dining experiences, either at home, a relative or friend’s table or in your favorite restaurant where you left the meal feeling delectably satisfied? This is a pic from our 35th anniversary dinner this year. We were both satisfied (with the fabulous meal) and happy (I absolutely love this man)! And […]
Fall is the Best Season to Recharge Your Health!

Every fall for me is truly a new opportunity to improve every aspect of my life! It must go back to those days of excitement as a student, starting a new grade in school, and then reliving those days when my kids started school, starting with a new beginning each time. Add to that the […]
berries, Brussels Sprouts, coconut milk, cruciferous vegetables, exercise, fall, grass-fed beef, inflammation, wild-caught salmonAdvice Based on Lessons Learned From the Class of ’76

I can’t believe it!!! It’s been 40 years since Randy and I have graduated from Lindbergh High School and our reunion is just around the bend! I know this sounds cliché but it truly seems like JUST yesterday! This is a picture of my date for the senior prom. I think you recognize this […]
body image, brain, chef, compulsionAnti-Aging vs. Graceful Aging- Which Will You Choose?

What words do you think of when you hear the word, “old”? Do words like dowdy, decrepit, antiquated, dated or archaic come to mind? Do you see a pattern here? These are all negative words we associate with aging and truth be told, most of us have a very negative connotation of the aging process […]
Blue Zones, caramelization, centenarians, epigenetics, Fountain of Youth, free radicals, Maillard Reaction, oxidative stress