I come to you all today with a heavy yet humble heart, asking you to stop and think about what we as a nation have been through this past year, what we are currently facing and what the future can hold for us. Don’t worry, this little blog is not calling out specifically anyone, anything or any […]
Strategies for the Covid-19 Chess Game Through The Holidays and Beyond!

How are you faring at this moment with the holidays now upon us in this global pandemic? Do you feel like every aspect of your lives have been upended with months of the same to look forward to? All of our normal routines have been transformed; any types of shopping, from the gas station to […]
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, checkmate, chess, Covid-19, Dr. Benjamin TenOever, Dr. Ken Remy, Friluftsliv, grace, Healthy U, Joey Miller, joy, masks, movement, Nutrition, parchment packet, parchment packet tuna, Quercetin, Randy Tobler Radio Show, resistance training, stress response, thankfulness, turmeric, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, weight liftingThe Tomato Trilogy-Part III- Put On Your Chef Hat For Tomatoes!

Part III Put On Your Chef Hat For Tomatoes! Well now that we’ve travelled through the history of how tomatoes came to be such a staple in our pantry, after many trials and travails in Part I-Tomato History and Misconceptions and then we explored how tomatoes can act as medicine in preventing disease in Part II–Tomatoes Are Just What the Doctor […]
beefsteak tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, glutamate, glutamic acid, grape tomato, Kidz Can Cook, Lasagna Cupcakes, mediterranean tomato, mozzarella, On Food and Cooking The science and Lore of the Kitchen, Robert Courtine, Roma tomato, savory, skinny chicken parmigiana, sulfur aromas, sun-dried tomatoes, swiss chard, tomato bisque soup, tomato caprese, tomato pie, umamiThe Tomato Trilogy- Part II-Tomatoes Are Just What The Doctor Ordered!

Part II Tomatoes Are Just What the Doctor Ordered! I’m a huge fan of doing everything you can holistically for your health for disease prevention, i.e. manage your stress level, get the right amount of sleep, a balance of resistance and aerobic exercise and finally use the food you consume as your medicine cabinet! This […]
angiogenesis, arthritis foundation, Blue Zones, cancer, cherry tomatoes, defense system, DNA damage, Dr. Li, Eat To Beat Disease, food as medicine, GERD, Heart Disease, Lasagna Cupcakes, Mediterranean Diet, microscopic cancers, nightshade vegetables, Produce Marketing Association, The Goldilocks Zone, tomatoesThe Tomato Trilogy- Part I-Tomato History & Misconceptions

Part I- Tomato History & Misconceptions There is nothing quite as personally exciting as viewing something you’ve taken for granted your entire life, but now viewing it from a fresh eye perspective. That something for me was the humble tomato: which has just been a jackpot of beautiful, lycopene-rich goodness in Randy and […]
atropa belladona, nightshade family, pizza, skinny chicken parmigiana, solanceae, solanine, Thomas Jefferson, tomata's, tomato bisque soup, tomatoes, vegetable or fruit, wolf peachThe Tortoise and The Hare Race-Slow But Steady Can Win Your Health Too!

We have some old Bugs Bunny framed animation cels in our house that I happened to pass recently. This is Warner Brother’s parody of the Tortoise and The Hare Race: You know the story: the hare kept bragging about how fast he was so the tortoise finally had enough of his bravado and […]
bible, exercise, grandchildren, grape vines, healthy lifestyle, hungry, Mediterranean Diet, Nutrition, portion control, robustness, stress relievers, The Power of a Praying Woman, thirst, waterTaking Advantage of The “Pause Button” In Our Lives

I want you all to imagine your lives having an imagined “pause” button during this time of quarantine: Here’s a pic of my very busy calendar schedule during quarantine (lol), the only real date was the dogs monthly flea and tick medicine reminder: Even if you are out in the workforce, leaving your house everyday, […]
anxiety, Baby Boomers, bible, BMI, CDC, Cinderella, Covid-19, depression, diabetes, fear, Fitness Blender, granddaughter, Great Depression, Greatest Generation, healthy eating, high blood pressure, junk food, Make America Healthy Again, Mediterranean Diet, mood, Nicole Saphier, Nutrition, obesity, Planetarium, proverb, routine, Sammi Gregory Fitness, stress, Sweaty Betty, trust, ZoomKEEP CALM AND CARRY ON!

Just to give you some perspective on pandemic outbreaks in history and how they were handled, this message was adopted in 1939 by the Brits in WWII, just in case Nazi occupation in Europe would turn into a reality in Britain: HOWEVER, the author of The Pandemic Century, Dr. Mark Honigsbaum traced the origin […]
antioxidant, Ben Shapiro, Beth Moore, caesar salad, decadent indulgences, emergency, gift, God, immune boosting meals, Mise en place, passion, protein packed breakfast, quarantine, Ravi Zacharias, sweet pepper, The Pandemic CenturyTaking Clues From Our Little Ones For Our Health

Quiz for you: Who among us is the most authentic and innocent of all? Give up? OUR CHILDREN! These are two little girls we came across this past month, that are sisters. Big sis is taking care of the little one: They haven’t yet learned to be anything but real with their […]
accountability, carbohydrates, cravings, fats, feel-good endorphins, Grandpa, laughter, little ones, macro, metabolism, mood-lifter, neuroscientist, non-prescription mood-lifter, nutritionally balanced, playful, playful innocence, protein, sleep, tensions soother, weight resistance movementsTime to Re-Think Your Humdrum Workout Routine? Try ACEing It!

Are you one of the millions that has vowed to make working out more of a regular routine in the New Year but you just can’t get yourself “off the couch” so to speak? Are you dreading this promise to yourself? Maybe one of these fits your workout deficits: *Too tough to […]
adaptive, aerobic, age, anti-depressant benefits, balance, BDNF, bicyclists, brain-booster, cardiovascular, cauliflower steaks, challenging, cognitive tests, connections, core strength movement, efficient, exercise, focused, Fountain of Youth, gift, gluttony trap, God, granddaughter, hippocampus, injured, injuries, injury, intentional, Journal of Physiology, memory, metabolic health, mind/body, Monte Cristo, neurons, neuroplasticity, Pelaton, public health crisis, reflexes, Sammi Gregory Fitness, Scientific American, weightlifting