I was shocked when I did the research for this post. There are greater than 200 (I stopped counting there) web discussions regarding Paleo vs. Vegan! There are clear battle lines drawn for the distinctions between these two diets. I am not here to add further mudslinging to this debate. If you are reading this […]
“The Perfect Day” in the “Game of Life”

I invented a little game with myself called “The Perfect Day” many years ago. The premise is that if you had an entire day to indulge yourself, what would you do with it? When I was newly married, working two jobs to get my husband through school, along with all the other “stuff” of life, […]
Will the Real Breakfast Bar Please Stand Up?

So you’re racing out the door again this morning, barely taking the time to grab a breakfast bar for breakfast. First of all, kudos to you to at least take the time to grab a breakfast bar. Breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. A quality breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar, improves your mood, […]
Fixing Broken Sleep

Here are my top “natural” recommendations to follow if you are currently not falling asleep within 30 minutes at night: 1. Daily nap. Hey, even the most successful people are hip to this (see “8 Things The Most Successful People Do that Make them Great”). Andrew Weil, M.D, professor of medicine and director of the Program […]
sleepLack of Sleep: Medical and Economic Consequences

You might be a little sick of the “science of sensationalism” as I like to put it. The constant barrage of scientific articles that say “If you don’t do ‘A’ correctly then the consequences ‘B’ are an increased risk of disease or death.” So let’s talk about lack of sleep in a realistic context today. […]
consequences, insomnia, sleepA Universal Language that Needs No Translation

Last week Randy and I had the privilege of hosting Spanish Chef Fatima Andres Perez at our house for a weekend. She is a visiting chef at a local culinary school, Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa. Chef Fatima and her husband own a restaurant, hotel and culinary school (Escuela Internacional De […]
Cold Winter Night Meal Recipes
Here are those recipes I promised you: TRIPLE-MUSTARD SALMON 3 T. Toasted wheat germ 1 T. yellow mustard seeds, crushed 4- 6 oz. skinless salmon fillets Salt and freshly ground pepper 2 1/2 T. Dijon mustard 1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 1 T. virgin olive oil 1/2 cup low-fat sour cream 2 T. Chopped cilantro […]
beans, fire roasted tomatoes, grass-fed beef, lamb, leeks, parchment paper, roasted garlic, salmon, winter night meal recipesBattling Those Cold Winter Nights with a Hearty (and Healthy) Meal
Last week, most of the United States experienced a blast of Arctic air that set record temperatures from the West, all the way through the Heartland to the East and of course the Deep South. So if you were like me, you were either stranded at home because there is only one car that can […]
beans, cod, cozy, culinary, cupboard, kitchen, lamb, meal, salmon, soupHere’s a New Year’s Resolution With a Multi-Faceted Payoff: Yoga
I felt the need to post a recent “change of heart” I’ve had about the practice of yoga: it’s not all about the calorie burn. Isn’t it always said that the greatest advocate of something is at first the greatest skeptic? I was such a skeptic. I’ve advocated and recommended yoga in the past to […]
Recipes Promised and Asked For
Here are the recipes I noted and you asked for from my blog “Healthy Holiday Eating Tips” and radio segments with Randy: Court Bouillon for Fish Serves-4 5-7 cups of vegetable stock (whatever amount it takes to totally immerse the fish you have selected) 2 carrots (roughly chopped with skin on) 1 onion (cut in […]