So, the “Diet Wars” have been raging for years now, and Atkins type low-carb diets seem to out-muscle other higher carb diets for reliable and easier to achieve short to medium term weight loss. There are some caveats, though. Here’s what you have to know to be healthy and lose weight… A few years ago, […]
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Heart Healthy Tips

If you would like to know some simple, yet achievable, eating tips for Heart Healthy Month, keep reading: It’s February Heart Month, and a cardiologist and I were lamenting the fact that most people know what they should eat to be healthy, but rarely do they actually achieve that goal. You know how it goes: […]
fat, healthy, heartHeart Healthy Tips Podcast
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fat, healthy, heartHealthy U Radio Broadcast | Dec. 3rd, 2013
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Mammogram Confusion

The conventional wisdom on breast cancer prevention was been thrown a curveball by a government panel, and women are wondering what to do. Read on for a common-sense analysis of this important issue: After years of a unified consensus from doctors and expert panels, a group of public prevention health experts are pushing for a […]
breast cancer, health care, mammogram, preventionETOH Breast Cancer Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
breast cancer, preventionETOH Breast Cancer

To Drink, Or Not To Drink? When it comes to Breast Cancer, you might be surprised to hear the answer. Most of us enjoy a cocktail, glass of wine, or beer every so often. No doubt too much of a good thing can be bad, affecting the liver, weight, developing baby, or your judgement. However, […]
alcohol, beer, breast cancer, estrogen, heart, liquor, wineEating Green

The “green” movement is everywhere today. Retailing, public policy, even pet foods. Read below for some tips to a healthy lifestyle: We all want a healthy and sustainable environment, right? But if we think about it, its the same with our bodies. We want a healthy body that can fight off both externally and internally […]
eating, green, healthyEating Green Podcast
[private][/private] If you can’t access the podcast, consider becoming a HealthyU member! This premium level gives you total access to all content, including access to all podcasts, white papers (in-depth articles on some of our most oft-asked questions and provocative topics too), significant discounts on our Body of Health e-store solution, and most importantly, interactive […]
eating, green, healthy, snackingDissing Vitamins

I’m a hopping-mad Dr. Randy Tobler: An iconic American magazine is hammering vitamins, making broad generalizations that aren’t well founded. The front page shows some vitamin capsules, with a bold header: “The Vitamin Scam.” Inside, the article is entitled: “Vitamin Truths and Lies.” The article concludes, based on a few of the worst examples, that […]
healthy, vitamins