This last weekend was the beginning of firearms deer hunting in Missouri. Randy was inspired to put up our flags for this occasion! So I just took a break from the usual business of life to ponder a question that I’ve never really received an answer to: WHAT IS IT ABOUT DEER CAMP […]
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Maintaining Neutral Buoyancy With A Crazy Schedule!

So fall is REALLY here again and our schedules are heating up! I LOVE IT, but it usually is, almost absolutely CRAZY! I’m sure you all have the same fun challenges! My schedule was packed when I worked a full time job and a part-time job at night right out of college (with my husband […]
autumn, calm, cooking class, culinary, diving, fall, fitness, grilled basil marinated chicken, MACA, neutral buoyancy, Relaxation Response, social media, stress, stress response, tomato and you pick the bean saladIt’s Not Easy Eating Bitter Greens… But Research Says It’s Worth a Try!

What if I told you there’s hope for training you, or your loved one’s taste buds (not matter what your age is) to accept and love bitter greens? Interested? First let’s set the stage…. Who doesn’t remember Kermit the Frog, lamenting his “green” status when he sang the song: It’s Not Easy Being […]
asparagus, bitter greens, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, cancer fighters, cardiovascular health, Chemical Senses, detoxifiers. free-radical slayers, fiber, food is medicine, George Bush, kale, nutrient absorbers, salivary proteome, University of Buffalo, vegetables, weight lossA MOUNTAINTOP EXPERIENCE: Recapturing the Wonder

Have you ever come to that point in your life when you look around and say what is this world all about? You or a loved one might be going through some painful experience in your life (think work, health or personal relations). On the other hand, you might think all the worldly things in […]
apologetics, apologist, bible, Big Bang Theory, environmentalists, evangelism, Fazale Rana, Mountaintop Experience, Ravi Zacharias, RZIM, The Truth, WonderSummer Lovin’ With A K.I.S.S.

Who doesn’t remember that beginning song from the movie Grease when Sandra Dee and Danny Zuko are reminiscing about their fleeting summer romance: Summer lovin’, had me a blast Summer lovin’, happened so fast I met a girl, crazy for me Met a boy, as cute as can be Summer days, drifting away to oh, […]
Brussels Sprouts, core strength, grandma, movement, Nutrition, papiotte, reality, resistance training, salmon, summerCore Strategies For Practical Wellness!

I have a very “out of the box” inspiration for this text you are going to view, and here it is: This is a core of a cauliflower. We’ll call it the C core. You will not believe this but I have a mouthwatering recipe for cauliflower soup (you will see it at […], cauliflower core, cauliflower soup, confident, core muscles, Down Dog Abs, inner core muscles, Lightened Cauliflower Soup, MACA, Midwest Ambassadors for the Culinary Arts, Plank, posture, proper sitting alignment, resistance exercise, Russian Twist,, Seated Leg Scissor, weight liftingShould We All Just “Keep Saying No” to Our Favorite Carbs?

How long have we heard the diet battle cry that starchy carbohydrates are the “devil” to a weight loss and healthy eating regimen? Here’s a pic of a wide variety of carbohydrate rich foods, some considered “healthier” than others, but all sharing a higher insulin spiking potential per serving: I spent decades of […]
carbohydrates, cauliflower, cruciferous vegetables, hearty healthy shepard's pie, IIFYM, macros, MyFitnessPal, pasta, Pasta Aglio e Olio, potatoes, spaghetti squash, tequila lime shrimp scampiTransform “What’s For Dinner?” into “CAN’T WAIT FOR DINNER!”

Is the universal statement “What’s For Dinner?” striking almost daily terror into the heart of your busy schedule? Plus add to that your daily goal of putting together a healthy meal for you and your loved ones. Let’s even pile on further by pointing out the major inconvenience of unending days of unpredictably bad winter weather. This is […]
allium vegetables, berries, body composition, cruciferous vegetables, EPA/DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acids, epigenetics, flavor boosters, gut health foods, MyFitnessPal, nutrigenomics, Superfoods, whole grains and legumesNew Beginnings For A New Year

Yes, I’ve entered that period of my life when I’m officially a grandma! This is our sweet bundle that was born on January 3rdof this year, named Genevieve Margrethe Trabue (A/K/A Evie): Their parents (our daughter Shannon and our son-in-law Tracy): are now in the process of adjusting to those all night […]
chicken, clean slate, conception, grandparents, newborns, pregnancy, virtual and emotional hugHome Sprinkled With Health For The Holidays

I know it’s December 10th, just 2 weeks before Christmas Eve and I shouldn’t really even take the time to write this blog to you because I’m REALLY behind this year! Randy and I are celebrating Christmas early this year (this weekend) with our kids and I don’t really have a clue what they all […]
cardio, Christmas, ghrelin, God, gratitude, healthy, holiday binges, holidays, leptin, sleep, stress, weight lifting