It’s a new day, a new site and an exciting offering from the Toblers. Welcome to ( works too!) Our immersion into the best in health and wellness will now be consolidated for you in one spot. The team is growing too. Behind the scenes our desire for excellence is driving a feverish pace to create content you access anytime in many modes. Especially cool is how we have developed an amalgam of several platforms into one powerhouse source for authentic, up- to- date, where-you-live, compelling and entertaining content that will inspire you to attain the next level of Vital Living.
These days, trying to sort out what’s good advice from what’s spin for profit is difficult. Our mission is to bring clarity, truth and unabashed “best practice” to our growing community of health-seekers. We’ve heard your thirst for a one-stop, no-nonsense home that offers non-conflicted advice, encourages open-minded forum, and scans the enormous universe of information in pursuit of the stuff we need to live healthy, fulfilled and meaningful lives. In our house, the end of day dinner table roundup starts with the simple question: “Did you make a difference today”? Our hope and promise is to make a difference in your life so you can answer yes in turn.
After 12 years on KFTK in St. Louis, you know how I feel about current medical practice, health and wellness. We talk prevention, we talk salvaging a devastating problem, we talk about the political and economic conflicts that endanger objectivity and muddy the truth. On the other hand, I’ll earnestly disagree with the latest fad or hot panacea for cancer if the science isn’t there. You want my common sense, evidence-based advice and that’s what I deliver. When I’m wrong, or the “best” has been replaced with “better”, I’ll tell you that too. Remember the “vigorous” discussions we’ve had about vaccines? Whether it’s Obamacare and its effect on us as patients or citizens, or whether its about dental disease and our health, or the latest research connecting our gut with our immune systems, we try to make it interesting and informative, plain and simple.
So we made the decision to expand Vital Signs, which requires more flexibility than commercial broadcast allows. You’ll still hear us, but when you want, how you want, on demand audio on the KFTK website and our library that will build here. Look for Vital Signs 2.0, soon, with Heliene and me. Someone said it should be “Beauty and the Beast”, but to call me the beast is an insult to the beast : ) Seriously, we are a typical American couple trying to raise a healthy and equipped-for-success family just like you, and I am undoubtedly the spouse who knows better about, but doesn’t have the will power to always follow the healthy leader. Yep, I admit, the schedule and stress sometimes get the best of me, but boy, have I been transformed since a major event in our lives a few years ago. Just listen in and you’ll relate! We’ll have some of your favorite guests from the past, including many who treat our family and friends, and other “best in class” personalities covering the universe of topics that affect your health and wellness. We think you’ll like it.
Heliene, (my much better half) has for 15 years been counseling clients on savvy supplementing, healthy cooking, practical wellness and every day problem solving when life gets in the way of vigor. Her brand? Simply achieving through research and commitment an amazing state of health-in body and mind, and maintaining it for so long. She has faced all the impediments, dealt with all the setbacks, and overcome them to be the beautiful and talented expert you will get to know. Simply stated, her struggles are yours and mine, and there’s no pretense it’s easy, but confidence you can make it and make it fun!
Her company, Body of Health, has provided trusted, reliable and practical information and products for hundreds of individuals and families seeking help with problems ranging from stress management to menopausal challenges. Of late, she’s become a broadcaster too! You’ve heard her on Vital Signs with me, and we’ve talked about everything from grass-finished beef (before it was the rage) to must-have vitamins to non-pharmaceutical insomnia-busters. When she’s been on the show, the phone lines light up like a Christmas tree! What else is planned for the new
In addition to the pod cast and some video content, we’ll each have a blog, in-depth content we pen, and some from “guest gurus” too. We’ll have a Facebook page and a Twitter presence so you can stay in touch with what’s happening on the fly. Heliene’s Body of Health e-store, providing pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements and other wellness books and products we use or have personally checked out, will now be a part of My medical audio brief, “The Virtual Checkup” will still be available for syndication, and new episodes will appear on the site. Now, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial…”but wait there’s more!”
Perhaps most exciting is our decision to offer immersion access, exclusive content, premium members-only forums and other special events and e-store discounts for members who want to delve deeper, share their experience with the community, and accelerate their journey to Vital Living.
Hope I’ve piqued your interest in accessing Heliene and me in any way that fits your lifestyle and ambitions. Inspirational, educational, motivational, but most of all: truthful and fun! Stay tuned. Your journey to Vitality starts now!