Question for you today: Is regular daily physical movement a big part of your life? Note that kids don’t even think about it, activity is their oxygen: What happens to us when we get older though? Many of us put our family and life’s obligations before taking care of ourselves, and we […]
Vital Signs 2.0
The show is going on! But now you can listen 24/7 to the witty, winsome wellness-shepherding of Drs Randy and Heliene Tobler. Think of it as DVR for Radio. Let the podcasts begin!
Talk Back 24/7
Radio just didn’t give all of us enough time to talk through today’s Vital Signs. So all lines are now open via the new Forums, anytime of the day or night.
Pull up a Chair
Our HealthyWise membership is FREE. But if you desire to dig deeper and learn to navigate your own healthcare, our premium HealthyU membership is for you!
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“Fall” Into A Feasible Fitness Framework
What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
allicin veggies, anchovies, brain boosters, Christmas, cruciferous veggies, edamame, EPA/DHA, fitness, flu season, food is medicine, immune system, inflammation, Isaiah 9:6, longevity, Michael Roizen, movement, Omega 3s, Pumpkin-Spiced Chili, resistance training, salmon, sardines, sleep, Star of Bethlehem, Thanksgiving, The Great Age Reboot, tuna, Veggies, zzzz'sVital Aging:”It Was A Very Good Year” Part II
One of Randy and my favorite songs is this terrific ballad, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was A Very Good Year” celebrating all the stages of life…. When I was thirty-five It was a very good year It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls Of independent means We’d ride in limousines Their […]
challenge, eating healthfully, eternal, explanatory style, God's Word, Gospel, healthy, Maye Musk, movement, optimistic, pessimistic, Phillipians 4:8-9, purpose, sleep, stress, temporal, Toasted Ranch Bowtie PastaVital Aging: “It Was A Very Good Year” Part I
There’s a terrific song, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was a Very Good Year” that totally celebrates the life we live and the blessings we have from it for all stages of life!: When I was seventeen It was a very good year It was a very good year for small town girls And […]
"Breaking The Age Code", "Senior Moments", Blue Zones, dementia, Dr. Becca Levy, Episodic Memory, heart attack, lovegevity, movement, Pattern Recognition Memory, Procedural Memory, Seared Cod with Thai Stir Fry, Semantic Memory, Seniors, stressHealthy Lifestyle Mind Adjustment: Courtesy of The Three Little Pigs
So we’ve made it to the post-pandemic era (we hope and pray☺️) and we’re just trying to get back to “normal” whatever normal is for us. Our world will forever be changed with “zoom” conference calls making it unnecessary to meet in person; a large percentage of the work force is now permanently working from […]
calories, carbohydrate, cauliflower hummus, creativity, exercise, fat, health, Matthew 7:24-27, nutritious, pandemic, protein, Psalm 62:5-7, resistance training, sleep, social media, stress relief, The Three Little Pigs, The Word, Twiggy, walking MIND Grub You Can Love!
Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, beans, berries, brain, cruciferous vegetables, DASH diet, fiber, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Legumes, Mediterranean Diet, MIND diet, neurons, nuts, ORAC, salmon, Salmon Peperonata, sardines, tuna, whole grains, Wild-caught fish
Mending Your Mind With Motion

Question for you today: Is regular daily physical movement a big part of your life? Note that kids don’t even think about it, activity is their oxygen: What happens to us when we get older though? Many of us put our family and life’s obligations before taking care of ourselves, and we […]
anxiety, Body of Health, daily movement, depression, DPC practice, exercise, mental distress, mental health, mind mending, moderate exercise, mood boosting, motion, movement, music, physical activity, resistance training, Roasted Edamame, tomato basil salmon, vigorous exercise, walking, weight lifting“Fall” Into A Feasible Fitness Framework

What is it about this time of year? The fall season with it’s dip in temperature accompanying a breath-taking leaf display: Jubilant leaf pile diving activities (😊): AND promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to come where we see our friends and family! But there’s another factor we must address today, our health! I know we all […]
allicin veggies, anchovies, brain boosters, Christmas, cruciferous veggies, edamame, EPA/DHA, fitness, flu season, food is medicine, immune system, inflammation, Isaiah 9:6, longevity, Michael Roizen, movement, Omega 3s, Pumpkin-Spiced Chili, resistance training, salmon, sardines, sleep, Star of Bethlehem, Thanksgiving, The Great Age Reboot, tuna, Veggies, zzzz'sVital Aging:”It Was A Very Good Year” Part II

One of Randy and my favorite songs is this terrific ballad, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was A Very Good Year” celebrating all the stages of life…. When I was thirty-five It was a very good year It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls Of independent means We’d ride in limousines Their […]
challenge, eating healthfully, eternal, explanatory style, God's Word, Gospel, healthy, Maye Musk, movement, optimistic, pessimistic, Phillipians 4:8-9, purpose, sleep, stress, temporal, Toasted Ranch Bowtie PastaVital Aging: “It Was A Very Good Year” Part I

There’s a terrific song, made famous by Frank Sinatra “It Was a Very Good Year” that totally celebrates the life we live and the blessings we have from it for all stages of life!: When I was seventeen It was a very good year It was a very good year for small town girls And […]
"Breaking The Age Code", "Senior Moments", Blue Zones, dementia, Dr. Becca Levy, Episodic Memory, heart attack, lovegevity, movement, Pattern Recognition Memory, Procedural Memory, Seared Cod with Thai Stir Fry, Semantic Memory, Seniors, stressHealthy Lifestyle Mind Adjustment: Courtesy of The Three Little Pigs

So we’ve made it to the post-pandemic era (we hope and pray☺️) and we’re just trying to get back to “normal” whatever normal is for us. Our world will forever be changed with “zoom” conference calls making it unnecessary to meet in person; a large percentage of the work force is now permanently working from […]
calories, carbohydrate, cauliflower hummus, creativity, exercise, fat, health, Matthew 7:24-27, nutritious, pandemic, protein, Psalm 62:5-7, resistance training, sleep, social media, stress relief, The Three Little Pigs, The Word, Twiggy, walkingMIND Grub You Can Love!

Ok, so it’s almost a single digit day countdown to Christmas, and I’ll bet you’re scrambling to finish your shopping, wrapping, cleaning, mailing, wrapping, cooking and let’s not forget cookie baking! This is my granddaughter Evie with her Mom strutting her cookie baking stuff last weekend: With a little “cookie dance” in between batches…. […]
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, beans, berries, brain, cruciferous vegetables, DASH diet, fiber, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Legumes, Mediterranean Diet, MIND diet, neurons, nuts, ORAC, salmon, Salmon Peperonata, sardines, tuna, whole grains, Wild-caught fishLife’s Little Unexpected Pleasures/Treasures Can Be The Best!

Fall is finally here and the holidays are just around the corner!! Pretty soon we’ll be making joyful plans (with caution, I know, based on the pandemic status) for holiday gatherings for Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year!! But wait a minute, why can’t we enjoy (right now) those little moments or meals that […]
cauliflower, chicken tenders, chicken thighs, corn on the cob, grand girls, grandma, Grandpa, grapefruit salsa, great-grandparents, healthy, immune system, nutritious, peperonicini, pepperoncini, pleasure, red peppers, solanine, sunrise, treasureWhat Would You Give For a Smiley Face 😊 Right Now??

Have you ever been so caught up in the heat of your daily activities, whatever, whenever or wherever they are, trying to complete one task so that you can be on your time schedule for the next task you’ve assigned yourself, but you’re stopped in your tracks by a random act of kindness? Then, that […]
anxiety, Covid, movement, Nutrition, peace, Philippians 4:6-7, self-care, sleep, smiley face, stress